• It can be daunting to step into something new. Our Stretch & Mobility classes are designed for all experience levels. Whichever class you choose, you will be welcomed with warmth, kindness and without judgment. In class, you’ll be guided through practice with options to modify your poses and always do what you can! Our best recommendation is to be open to learning and taking it one class at a time. Please advise of any injuries or conditions that you think we should be aware of.

  • Most definitely! The most common myth is that you need to be flexible to do yoga. With regular practice you will gain flexibility and strength.

  • Due to the wide range and complex nature of any potential injuries or medical conditions it would be best to either send us an email or speak with us in person with any questions/concerns. We will advise accordingly after an appropriate conversation.

  • We offer yoga with focus on alignment while exploring building on existing strength, flexibility and general mobility. Each class is different in terms of sequence of poses.

    Your class is your time to practice; teachers at our studio do not do the class with you. They will mostly lead you with verbal direction. If you are new to yoga or are used to following a teacher physically doing all the poses, we encourage you to place your mat closer to the back of the room as you get used to how sessions are conducted. Actively listening to alignment queues offered by your instructor promotes a mindful asana (pose) yoga class while building self awareness.

  • The practice room is a heated room averaging 26-30 degrees Celsius. In the summertime we do not heat the room as the temperature maintains itself.

  • You own your yoga practice. Whoever is leading the class will suggest ways to modify yoga postures to make them more accessible, challenging or to support injuries. Your teachers are there to watch you grow as a yogi. Feel free to have a conversation with Dan or Priya on how they can facilitate your yoga journey.

  • Yoga is about comfort rather than fashion. We suggest thin exercise or cotton wear (pants, tshirts, shorts, leggings, sports tops etc.) that is easy to move in. Be sure to bring a yoga mat (not an exercise mat) & water bottle. Yoga is performed barefoot and no shoes are allowed past the front foyer. Feel free to wear socks until you're on your mat. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

  • In our busy lives, yoga class is time for yourself. Get the most out of your session by removing any potential distractions. You should only have your mat, water bottle, towel and props in the studio room. Jackets should be hung in the coat room. The front door is locked during class times for security. Cubbies are available to store any personal items. Please have your phone on silent/vibrate before rolling out your mat.

  • In the event you need to pause your membership please contact us at info@yogafirefox.ca and we can get that set up for you. Remember it is your responsibility to let us know.

    If you are on a recurring payment schedule, we will not pause a membership if the length of time in which your membership is to be paused is less than 2 weeks. Memberships can be paused once annually, but if extenuating circumstances do occur, we will do our best to work with you.

  • Yes we do! We rent mats for studio use for $4/day.

  • Yoga is a great way to keep the body moving and prepare it for childbirth whether this is your first or fifth pregnancy. First and foremost, this pregnancy must be considered low risk by your doctor & your doctor must give you the go ahead to practice yoga.

    Designed for the expectant mother, prenatal classes help to improve flexibility and foster strength while helping to reduce anxiety associated with pregnancy. Prenatal yoga classes are thoughtfully sequenced, themed and linked with breath to create mindful awareness in the body as well as between mother and baby all the while strengthening your pelvic floor to prepare for childbirth and subsequent recovery. We’re super flexible & can work with your schedule to slot in times, understanding that pregnancy comes with potential challenges of fatigue, doctor appointments, work, nausea/vomiting, general unwellness/motivation etc.

  • Yes, you need a Bookee account to be able to pay online.